
The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

Nyet8/07/2011 1:33:28 am PDT

Fjordy approvingly quoting someone else:

11 Fjordman Mon, Apr 10, 2006 7:25:46am replyquote

Good morning. There was a Pakistani ex-Muslim in the Netherlands years ago who wrote a book warning the “gullible” Dutch against the dangers posed by Muslim immigration.The book was banned as “racism” and “hate speech.” If his book had been widely circulated and read, maybe Pim Fortuyn and The van Gogh would have been alive today. This book is forgotten by most people today, but it is one of the best cases I have seen against “hate speech” laws:

Banning speech - banning prophesy

in 1990. A man called Mohamed Rasul wrote a book called: “De ondergang van Nederlands - Het land van de naive dwazen” or “The coming downfall of the Netherlands - The nation of gullible fools”. The author, a Pakistani called Mohammed Rasoel or Mohamed Rasul wrote a short book on the threat of Islam, the treat of importing millions of Muslims into a nation and a culture that had gone too soft to defend itself. The book was published in 1990.

Rasul prophesies: by taking the negative of Nazism as a blueprint of society, the gullible Dutch will eventually end up at the same station as the Jews. The Dutch are so scared of treating other like the Nazis treated Jews that they will be like the Jews themselves. Rasul was prooved right. He was attacked by Dutch journalists and academics for his stance on Islam and Muslims. He appeared in talk shows in disguise. The Anne Frank Foundation, whose directors were the high priest keeping the mysteries of the cult of Anne Frank, guardians of the taboo of the Holocaust sued Rasul in 1992. Rasul was convicted of “discriminating Muslims” of making “sweeping statements against Muslims”. Rasuls commentary:

“It proves that the general thrust of my book is correct, that Dutch society is changing and becoming less tolerant. Freedom of opinion is already being sacrificed. I don’t blame this state attorney, he is a nice man but rather dumb and nave like most Dutchmen… . Muslims are allowed to shout: kill Rushdie… . When Muslims say on TV that all Dutch women are whores, it is allowed… . It is ridiculous and scandalous that I have to justify myself in court for discrimination of Muslims.”