
Wednesday Night Jam: Blue Man Group Takes Over NPR

Dangerman10/06/2016 11:32:46 am PDT

there comes a time in the life cycle of hurricane prep where i am now

all that packing, storing, moving, securing, protecting

and then the lull and waiting, the iffyness of are we or arent we

and one says to oneself (at least i do) we damn well better get hit now after all that work i did. (ok no we really dont, but sorta)

anyway to my eye it looks matthew has slowed a bit. though i could be way wrong. it feels like its toying with us just off the coast

what was supposed to hit us earlier this morning and be howling by now is still barely just beginning and the alerts have pushed peak wind around 6 hours later than they were last night. “almost” could have made it to the office and back today. but no day off. damn this telecommuting!