
Ry Cooder: The Wall Street Part of Town

Lidane8/11/2012 9:24:17 pm PDT

Freeper crazy, part three:

I don’t much care about Romney being a Mormon.
Mormons may not be my bag, but at least he isn’t a Muslim like Obama.

I don’t like Romney at all and didn’t vote for him in the primary, if there was anyone else out there with a chance of winning they would have my vote.

There is no one.

It’s Obama or Romney. I choose to get rid of a man who hates me, hates my wife and family, and is turning our country into a debt ridden , haven for perverts, and ne’er do wells who refuse to work.

Yes I will vote for Romney ,I have no choice.

[Note: This was in response to another poster]

Your ad hominem are so typical of Willard “Myth” Romney
and his Team of BAckstabbers (of Conservatives, women and the handicapped, especially).
Vicious hyperliberal Romney is exactly like Obama on many issues,
ranging from judges nominated, to TARP support,
to thinking they are deities.

Mr. RomneyCARE matches Obama in Constitution breaking.

Furthermore, for your foul-mouthed RomneyBOT info (like you care anyway)
Mr. RomneyCARE EXCEEDS Obama’s in hyperliberality and statism
in that Mr. RomneyCARE personally installed both ObamaCARE/RomneyCARE
AND gay marriage.
Based on his PAST BEHAVIOR, Mr. RomneyCARE
is far to the left of both Obama
and the late Ted Kennedy and anyone else the DNC might put out..


That’s really the problem you don’t see. This battle is bigger than Barack Obama, but the scumbags in the GOPe want you to believe it is. The battle is with the IDEOLOGY that empowers Obama and so many others, including within the GOPe itself. Mittens is merely the Republican version of the same progressive ideology. IOW, we lost this battle when Mittens secured his path to the nomination.

What will happen with Mittens is 4 years of degenerate RINO control, followed up with another possible 4 years of degenerate RINO control, to be followed up with degenerate DemonRat control. Because, let’s face it, Romney is a big government statist who is just going to manage the decline. Except now the Great Economic Collapse that is coming is going to fall on OUR doorstep instead of the socialists. I won’t vote for Obama, but I sure as hell hope Mittens loses and we have strong conservatives to oppose him in Congress. The short term pain is better than long term mediocrity and eventual death.