
The Only Article About Guns You Need to Read Today

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/20/2012 10:12:55 am PST

And I’m fairly sure that this:

We will be asking for picture identification. We will be ascertaining where the subject lives and what they are doing in the area. We will be keeping a record of those we contact. The record keeping is two-fold: First, we want to try to keep from over-lapping making contact with the same people multiple times.

Does not pass constitutional muster either. It seems very similar to stuff that was rejected by judges from stop-and-frisk laws.

Increased police presence is great. So is cops introducing themselves to people— that’s a great idea, that helps to build connections between the cops and residents.

Asking people for their ID, where they live, etc? That’s treating everyone like a suspect, and breaks down trust and communication between the PD and the citizens.