
Video: Lux Aeterna (A Journey of Light)

Mich-again1/20/2013 9:17:23 am PST


The original story from the Raleigh gun show..

An eyewitness told ABC11 that a person brought a loaded semi-automatic pistol to a security check-in area around 1 p.m. Saturday. The gun owner reportedly removed the gun’s slide out magazine, but there was still a round in the gun’s chamber. When a law enforcement officer went to secure the weapon with a zip tie through the trigger area and around the grip, the gun went off as the zip tie was pulled tight.

And the current story from the same news source. No retraction for the original story, that just vanished down the memory hole.

Agency spokesman Brian Long says a 12-gauge shotgun discharged while its owner, 36-year-old Gary Lynn Wilson, of Wilmington, unzipped its case for a law enforcement officer to check it at a security entrance.
Three people were injured when the gun went off, officials said, including a retired Wake County Sherriff’s deputy working the show.