
In Which Paul Ryan's Primary Opponent Cites White Supremacist Chuck C. Johnson

calochortus8/02/2016 9:15:50 am PDT

re: #491 Teukka

Heads-up to any lizardim working or interacting with refugees.
Sweden has had another case of refugees picking what they thought were champignons but turned out to be Destroying Angels with life-threatening poisoning as result.
One of them who had incredible luck considering A. virosa’s toxicity is asking people to learn and teach how to identify which mushrooms are edible and which are lethally toxic (A. virosa poisoning is the leading cause of death by mushroom poisoning).

In California we get stories fairly frequently of immigrants poisoning themselves and their families with mushrooms they picked. Years ago I had (immigrant) guests who popped some berries from a shrub in our yard in their mouths and discovered they weren’t whatever it was in the ‘old country’ that they looked like. Fortunately, they weren’t highly toxic.
If you’re going to forage, you’d better be sure of what you are eating-and that goes double for when you are far from home.