
Colin Powell: The GOP's Afraid of Rush

Salamantis7/28/2009 8:55:32 pm PDT

re: #527 victor_yugo

Starting with the obvious: If I can name my best friend as the primary beneficiary of my life insurance policy and the executor of my will, what’s to stop your cousins from doing the same?

Why should gay partners have to go to the additional time, trouble and expense of doing what marriage does automatically? Why can’t gay civil unions do this?

And it’s not just inheritance issues, it’s mutual medical decision issues, spousal employment benefit issues, family medical insurance coverage issues, tax issues…there are sooo many things that marriage does automatically. And to be nondiscriminatory and not a symbol of second-class citizenship, gay civil unions should do all of the same things automatically, as well.

Isn’t that fair compensation and a reasonable compromise for yielding on the name?