
Another Monckton Climate Change Fraud

shortshrift5/13/2009 8:44:56 pm PDT

re: #529 Charles

I cited (not having read #374) the website because that is where Monckton defends himself against charges of fakery. That is the fair thing to do. Each side in the climate debate regularly accuses the other of “propaganda” and fudging numbers. Monckton accuses RealClimate of vested interest propagandizing. The IPPC’s “consensus” is propaganda too. Pointing out that there is another side is not like demanding creationism should be part of the “debate” on evolution. It points out that there is a debate - and a scientific one, despite the fact that scientists take political positions and can engage in ad hominem arguments. (Scientists can also believe in God.)
All links in the warming debate should come with a “balance” warning, or come with a link to the other side.
I agree with #531 that Climate Debate Daily site - which give warmist and skeptic articles - is invaluable for the general reader.