
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

hopperandadropper3/30/2009 8:18:30 pm PDT

re: #531 Basho

You guys love to pretend that solar activity has been perfectly accounted for in pro-AGW models, but that is inconsistent with the facts. The effects of the sun are far more complex than most people understand. Cosmic rays are implicated in the formation of clouds, for example, although the effects are not fully understood. The degree of cloud cover has large effects on heating, for obvious reasons. Changes in the sun’s magnetic field may also be significant.

Sunspot data correlate with warming and cooling cycles much better than CO2 does, and the records go back for hundreds of years. I’ve been around long enough to know that most of the people selling AGW now come from the same crew that was screaming 25 years ago about the horrible dangers of biotechnology. Many of them were also screaming 30 years ago about impending severe global cooling. I find it interesting that you AGWers just make snarky comments without offering any factual arguments.