
Tea Party Crowing Over Bennett's Scalp in Utah

Sigma_x5/09/2010 2:15:40 pm PDT

re: #528 Decatur Deb

And that’s not counting the Ron Paul tributary that was using the meme a year or two earlier. The TP stream has a lot of feeders.

The whole Tea Party movement started with Rick Santelli’s rant @ 9 in the morning back in February of last year when the Democrats were trying to push through the stimulus bill. Then the wack-a-doo LaRoucher’s got in on the act with their Obama-as-Hitler posters that you could download from the Lyndon LaRouche website. After that it just took on a life of its own, with the same racist shitbags we all saw at the McCain/Palin rallies back in ‘08 taking over, and the GOP trying to incorporate the protests for lack of any real constituency they might have left.

Now they’re trying to pretend like it’s a legit party, and that the LaRoucher’s never had anything to do with it in the first place. Bizarre.