
GOP Outreach to Women: "Don't go sleeveless again [Sandra Fluke]"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/25/2013 5:55:44 pm PST

Speaking of not being able to help themselves, Eric son of Erick pontificates:

Erick Erickson commentary: Dec. 25 was picked as birthday of Jesus for Christian reasons

One of the most popular theories and commonly taught explanations for why Christmas is on Dec. 25 is that the early church placed Christian holidays at times of Roman celebration to co-opt the local pagan festivals.


In Egypt, less than 300 years after Christ’s death, some Christians celebrated his birth in the spring. As the Biblical Archeology Society has noted, the earliest references to Christmas come at about 200 A.D., at a time Christians were not incorporating other religious traditions into their own.


Um… let’s think about this for a second. First off, yes, Eric asserts this without any proof, which is a problem.

But more importantly it is obviously false on the face of it.

Because if anything is clear, Christianity began itself by incorporating “other” religious traditions - namely, various Jews sects and their teachings and practices.

Erickson is so blindingly dishonest in this article (there’s more ignorance later on in the piece) I really wonder if his followers have learning disabilities.