
Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal Will Join Pastor Who Wants to Execute Gays

Patricia Kayden10/30/2015 11:54:48 am PDT

re: #6 Targetpractice

I’m not sure it’s gonna be possible next year to do the customary “swing to the center” for the GOP. Whoever the nominee ends up being are gonna be so absolutely borked by the need to play to their own psychotic base that they’re just not going to be able to blow it off with “I’ve changed.”

But isn’t the argument of Conservatives that Republican candidates lose because they’re not conservative enough? How would the nominee get away with swinging to the center if the base and Conservative media personalities hate the moderates and want candidates like Carson and Trump?

Plus how can you fool the electorate that you are centrist when you hold extreme positions like anti-abortion (no exceptions), xenophobia (anti-Muslim, anti-immigrants), homophobia (still fighting against same sex marriage), pro 1% (lower taxes on wealthy, raise taxes on everyone else), etc.?

Next year we’ll have a clear choice between Secretary Clinton or Senator Sanders and a wild-eyed Rightwinger.