
Stephen Colbert in "Chopper Talk" [VIDEO]

BlueGrl211/11/2019 12:17:12 pm PST

re: #52 carey94tt

Great story. Would like to see the email.

So far I’ve avoided all Agile training even though I am a the Software Architect and even though our project is Agile (first for our company and group).

It’s not as bad as you think if your teams know what they’re doing. A stable architecture is core to being able to go fast. I worked with our Data Architecture team to move them to agile 4 years ago. They thought I was absolutely nuts. They’re now my strongest team. But I sit down and work with those teams and stay with them until everyone is kosher and if we need to adjust a process, we will.

I’m an enterprise agile coach. This year will be 20 years. I was doing agile before it was called agile. Therefore, I don’t take bullshitters well. There is still a lot of it in the agile consulting world.