
Video: The Sarah Palin Voter's Guide

Decatur Deb10/15/2010 5:43:53 pm PDT

re: #47 Sionainn

Chuckling about your aunt. My grandma was a Watergate expert…so very into politics. I know she’d be thoroughly disgusted with the current state of affairs in our country.

Yes, Reid was a boxer in his youth. The local a.m. radio stations love to make fun of his biography. Heidi Harris and her listeners were going on and on this morning about how Angle clearly won the debate last night. It made me wonder if we watched the same debate.

Yeah, I think he was holding back so as not to appear to be attacking a woman. It’ll be interesting to see the new ads.

Did you find more on the church:brothel ratio? I’m starting to think it’s two different towns. Will pursue.