
Supreme Court Blocks Texas Neanderthal Sonogram Law

Targetpractice9/29/2011 7:34:59 pm PDT

re: #47 SpaceJesus

the lone derp state

Sadly, Texas is only one of the more advanced cases, because the GOP nationwide is working on varied efforts to enact a defacto ban on abortion. When they’re not forcing women to submit to state-ordered violation in order to guilt-trip them with ultrasound images, they’re trying to enact “heartbeat bills” that forbid abortions if a heartbeat can be detected. Others are trying to force women to undergo “counseling” before the state will sign off on the procedure.

This is all, of course, in concert with their efforts to close down groups like Planned Parenthood and make it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for abortion doctors to operate practices without either worrying about their license being taken away or their life being in constant danger.