
Announcing the Andrew Breitbart Bottom Feeder Awards for Right Wing 'Journalism'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/06/2012 10:39:22 pm PDT

Since I’m going on about right-wing uber-hypocrisy, this one might qualify for an award - Crosswalk, a Salem Communications outlet, the same company that owns Hotair, Townhall, and such, promotes a story about abortions in India to scare us about government control:

Forced Sterilizations in India Hold Wider Warning About Government Abuse

“I gained consciousness around 12 or 1 in the night,” Devanti Devi told a reporter for RT, a Russian news channel. “I was bleeding heavily and came home without being given any medicine.” Devi’s account is only the latest in a slew of emerging stories of forced sterilizations in India, where government leaders have long pushed sterilization as a form of birth control in a country with 1.2 billion people.


Yes, their source is RT, a Russian government owned enterprise which not so subtly (but occasionally quite subtly) carries forth agendas of the Russian government.

The article goes on to criticize western aid to address over-population, etc.

Now, force sterilizations are indeed a cause worth investigating, but this story is just another instance of the standard Salem Communications double-speak wingnut approach to the world.