
Craziest Wingnut Rant of the Day: Jerome Corsi: 'Was Obama Married Before He Was Married?'

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance8/10/2012 9:28:43 am PDT

As a .NET developer I rather resent the idea that because I use tools such as Visual Studio I’m somehow a drone, or worse don’t know what I am doing. I was writing Java in notepad, prefer writing my own HTML, javascript, and other items to make web sites etc. but given the need to get things done and out the door I find .NET does what is needed to be done in a rather efficient manner (with the exception of their AJAX toolkit/implementation). Sure I could spend time writing code in another language and have to track down possible errors file by file line by line and not have automated debuggers and even bug prevention tools that allow me to spend more time getting actual work done but why would I want to?