
And Now, Naked Mole Rat Puppies

Targetpractice2/15/2014 11:30:30 pm PST

re: #53 wheat-dogghazi

Does Walker have any chance of being re-elected as governor of Walker-istan?

I think he’s still pretty much in “dead girl/live boy” territory. Somehow he’ll find a way to cook the books before next year to say that he achieved his goal of creating 250,000 jobs or found convincing excuses, “John Doe” has yet to yield any indictments with his name on them, and given the behavior during the recall election it would not surprise me if GOP voters played monkey again with the Dem primaries in order to ensure a weak candidate opposes Walker.

Think about it this way: The man’s approval ratings, despite all the noxious shit that surrounds him, still remains at 50%.