
Anderson Cooper: 'The Fact Is, I'm Gay'

What, me worry?7/02/2012 11:33:05 am PDT

re: #46 RadicalModerate

Looking at those rating charts is a bit disheartening to me.

MSNBC and FoxNews’ shows are all distinctly left and right-leaning, respectively, and as such get significantly higher ratings than CNN, which for the most part is more of a news organization that at least tries to keep a level of non-bias. And the fact is, CNN is still the best of the three when it comes to feet-on-the-ground, actual reporting of news events.

OMG This morning I caught a snippett on CNN with, I think it was Carol Costello, who was interviewing Bill Nye. I don’t know what happened to Soledad. The morning slot is usually hers, but maybe she’s on vacation.

At any rate, I DO NOT like this Costello woman. Soledad is awesome. Bill Nye was talking about global warming and the increase in temps, the sporadic weather, etc. Carol Costello did everything but scream WHATEVAH at him. She rolled her eyes, smirked and at the end, tried cutting him off. I’m thinking if Bill was a hunk who looked more like an entertainer than a geek with a bowtie, she wouldn’t have looked at him as if he had 3 heads. Total FOX news territory. I was quite surprised.