
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Cato the Elder3/26/2010 6:53:21 pm PDT

re: #481 Spare O’Lake

There once was a blogger nicked Cato
Whose head was shaped like a potato
His limericks were crappy
And his temper so snappy
That his nose grew red as a tomato.

Alas, your scansion is way off.

There once was a blogger nicked Cato
Whose head was shaped like a looked like a potato
His limericks ditties were crappy
And his temper so [“so”, may I inform you, is a fill-in syllable that all self-respecting limericists avoid] snappy
That his nose grew red as a [one beat too many] tomato.

I could teach you to do better, were you willing to learn.

But I doubt you could afford my rates.