
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Floral Giraffe6/09/2010 8:20:10 pm PDT

re: #542 MandyManners

Expansion and constriction are but functions of control.

I think my favorite part of being an Aunt, is that I’m the one, the kids come to with a problem, they don’t want to discuss with their parents. They know I will talk with them about anything. (They don’t know, that 90% of the time I’m giving the same advice their parents would.) They know I am always available, and that I love them unconditionally, and I want the best for them.
Heck, I’m taking the oldest niece to a Pink Floyd concert this summer.
Gotta remember to buy earplugs!

*Get of of my lawn*!
Shakes cane at the kids!