
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/30/2009 9:28:01 pm PDT

re: #554 gnargtharst

“No I didn’t punt, I went to another thread.”

Presumably then, I’ll find your answer on another thread? What temperature should the earth be? If it is a “problem”, as you insist, for which government regulation is an appropriate solution, then one would hope you have a goal in mind. An actual temperature. Yes? No?

“You are not interested in looking at this rationally.”


“You assume that because…”

I assume you should get your ESP checked, as you’re batting .000, and being quite rude in the bargain.

“… I am a physicist who actually has the expertise to make real comments about this stuff that I am some church lady green and that I want to take away all of your toys, simply because I have the audacity to point to real data and not play sophomoric debating games.”

It was not my intention to direct these issues personally to you, except the request to quote me an acceptable temperature. Generally I am speaking of adherents to the Green Religion. If the shoe fits, be my guest, but it is not presumed.

“Step one: Acknowledging the problem is separate from the proposed solution….”

I propose Step one: figuring out whether climate change = catastrophe, without resorting to inherently religious premises, such as the belief that there is inherent value in a perpetually non-changing coastline, etc.

OK this is now insane. Right now, current trends are not good. We are looking at the loss of arable land and living space. Now it is not a question of just temperature at any one point. That is why your question is so silly.

Yes, the governments of the world need to start changing the way we do things. we need to pollute less and reforest more and most importantly get the oceans more healthy again on the eco front.

On the industrial front, switching to nuclear power would be a really good start.

Now before you froth at the mouth please go and look at the actual papers and the actual science. You will see that if current trends continue, in about 100 years we are looking at a very bad situation. Your economic arguments will not make much sense then because there will be too many people with too little food and not enough places to live. So yes, we should start trying to avoid that now.