
Outright Dishonesty at the Washington Times

eon4/17/2009 3:14:31 pm PDT

re: #498 Van Helsing

Everyone quit exhaling! CO2 is now a dangerous pollutant.

Damn, is there going to be a fart tax?
Methane is much more dangerous than CO2.

I cannot help but wonder if the EPA manques’ who created that report are aware of a basic fact of animal physiology. That being, that a certain amount of CO2 is necessary to trigger the breathing reflex in any lifeform much more sophisticated than a mudskipper. Put simply, unless you get about 2% CO2 in each lungful, your autonomic nervous system gets confused, and forgets to tell your lungs to take the next breath. (This was learned early in the Age of Aviation during USAAF and USN high-altitude experiments with pure-O2 demand systems)

Declaring CO2 a “pollutant” (period, without qualifications), is not only bad for plant life, it doesn’t do us a lot of good, either. And it does not speak well of the scientific “expertise” of those who issued the report.

/I’m wondering if they even took Biology 101 in high school, much less actually passed.

