
Creationists Given Academic Credit for Trolling

The Shadow Do8/10/2009 8:42:56 pm PDT

re: #497 placeholder

But it has been for years… you can’t have it both ways. Either the government stays out, or it wades in. Farm subsidies anyone? You think that’s remotely “private enterprise” that functions based on market rules? How about pork that drives military spending… senators who overrule senior military staff to continue to produce weapons and products that are deemed unnecessary or outdated? That’s not private enterprise. That’s not a “level” playing field.

I’ve whines about this before so I won’t belabor it, but you can’t have it both ways… Either the government stays out - not just on gun control, taxes, and healthcare - but on abortion, assisted suicide, drugs, and prostitution.

Either you preach family values - which means you don’t sleep with dudes (while campaigning against it), cheat on your wife, or steal money, or you don’t.

You can’t preach a broad position while only supporting it in cases that you agree with on a moral basis… i mean you can, but that just makes you a hypocrite.


Good grief. I surrender, hypocrite that I am. More government intursion please.

Loves me those subsidies and such like. And I promise I will never again go all Larry Craig or steal, or cheat, or wear ladies underwear. Not ever, ever again. I Promise, OK?