
Egyptian women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/06/2011 12:48:39 pm PDT

re: #54 Buck

are you purposefully misunderstanding me now?

Children can, and do, consent to having sex with adults. That consent is meaningless in the eyes of the law, and the eyes of ethics, because they are not competent to give consent.

Furthermore, the word that the GOP used was actually ‘forcible’, and not violent. I made a mistake when I said ‘violent’ above. Forcible involves, well, force. There are many more rapes that don’t involve any sort of force whatsoever, or even the threat of force. So, you were more wrong than I even remembered.

You have come up with no credible reason why the GOP would call rape ‘forcible rape’ Your contention that they did so to show how much they hated rape makes no sense whatsoever. They were modifying the existing language of a bill, and chose to replace ‘rape’ with ‘forcible rape’. The very, very obvious reason is that they were defining it further, to limit it— this is borne out by the many GOP attempts to outlaw or limit access to abortions even for women who have been raped.

I think it is you who ask himself that.

Tortured grammar aside, what ‘bastards’ am I arguing in favor of, Buck?

Very simply that is a personal discussion for you to deal without me.

What are you talking about? What is a personal discussion for me to deal with?

Try being clear instead of craven.