
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Gus6/01/2012 6:55:22 am PDT

re: #557 Talking Point Detective

I don’t know. The obesity epidemic is a really significant public health problem. It’s not clear to me how to begin addressing that problem without implementing policies that could be attacked from the “nanny state” angle. And at some point you have to look at the bottom line of what is being regulated. I just don’t see a hardship with banning super-sized drinks. Some would make the argument that it will “hurt” poor people because the large drinks are more economical - but I don’t see enough evidence to feel confident about such arguments. There are a variety of potential outcomes of this kind of legislation, and I just can’t get concerned about the potential downsides.

I think it involves far more than soda. There are issues of class, economics, education, earnings, family life, etc., that are involved here. A lot more than some feel good measure like limiting soda portion limits on the NYC population and its visitors. It’s not the diet as much as education and class stratification.