
The Dumbest Man on the Internet Should Be Embarrassed by This, but He Won't Be

Charmingly Persistent8/08/2014 6:58:13 am PDT

re: #179 SpaceCowboy

Now that we’re out, ISIS has gotten into the genocide business.

I feel like answering this point, because it has been on my mind for a while. Back when I was opposing us invading Iraq (yeah I was against it since before it started) people pompously told me that even if all my concerns came to pass (which none of them would,since I was a hippie who hated America and had Bush Derangement Syndrome), “no one would miss Saddam Hussein.” And I thought to myself, I am not so sure about that. History has seen lots of case of overthrown tyrants being replaced by even worse horrors. It is more the rule than the exception, actually.

So I would say this is partly our fault. Not because we left, but because we overthrew a stable, if awful, regime with no fucking clue of how to stabilize it afterwards. Fantasies of candy and flowers and paying for itself and over in weeks or months, certainly not years, notwithstanding.

In short, fuck you; why do you hate america and have Obama Derangement Syndrome.