
How Ted Nugent Would Solve the Government Shutdown

goddamnedfrank10/16/2013 3:54:29 pm PDT

re: #31 William Barnett-Lewis

It comes from his “real name” supposedly being Barry Swerto or some such birther scheiss.

It’s a really mean, thoughtless thing when Obama haters do this. My first stepfather had a really fucked up upbringing and his alcoholic mother pressured him and his brother to take up her massively abusive second husband’s last name. Like Obama he took his birth name back as an adult. I’m not saying that Lolo Soetoro was an abusive stepfather, or that Obama’s mom drank, just that there are a lot of weird, painful pressures put on kids when their parents remarry and try to syncretize a new cohesive family identity.

It doesn’t say anything about the kid, they’re just trying to please the people in their lives who have the most power over them. It’s only the most sniveling kind of fuckfaced dillhole who would insist on referring to an adult by a name they were basically forced to take while a child, a name they’ve since rejected.