
Bloomberg News Falls for Fake Story About Nancy Reagan Endorsing Hillary Clinton

CuriousLurker4/10/2015 4:05:31 pm PDT

re: #49 Charles Johnson

He doesn’t even have to do that, if he had the sense to just note at the top of the article that it was contributed by someone else. In addition to being horrible in every way, Chuck is also very, very sloppy in his writing.

For example, from his About page:

Johnson was frustrated with the lack of serious investigative journalism, and the adversity to risk of the national media, with the constant “stenography” of DC and NYC media who cozied up to power rather than spoke truth to it.

Um… the what? The word is aversion, Mr. 150+ IQ.

Oh, and stop talking about yourself in the third person and saying “we”—you’re not fooling anyone.

Good grief.