
Electoral College Rubber-Stamps the Election of the Tiny-Fisted Fascist

BeachDem12/19/2016 8:44:28 pm PST

re: #46 Joe Bacon

I prefer to call him, “His Ass-Holeyness”!

I like the simpler, Yam.

And when it comes to contacting Senators and Reps, sigh. Lindsey Graham used to respond to my emails with boilerplate sweet nothings. Now, no sweet, just nothing—no response at all.

When Tim Scott went to DC as a brand new Rep, he was mine. Even when we went to his local office in person to discuss things with his staff, we never got so much as a “thanks for stopping by” email. Now that he’s a senator, fuggedaboutit.

My current rep is a back-bench do-nothing worm who has adopted the same method of totally ignoring any attempt to contact him. At one point in the summer of 2015, we went to his office to set up a meeting and were informed that he was “too busy” until at least February of 2016. Uh huh.