
Video: Buchanan Advocates Torture for NW 253 Suspect

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All12/29/2009 11:20:32 am PST

re: #13 KingKenrod

Targeting civilians is a war crime and would probably be punishable by death in a military trial.

A civilian trial, probably not. I don’t know if there are civilian war crimes on the books.

Just speculation on my part.

Some guy lighting his underwear on fire in a vain attempt to kill people isn’t worthy of the phrase ‘war crime’. Keep it simple, it’s several hundred counts of attempted murder, and a darwin award to boot. This idiot deserves all the ridicule and mockery, and by extension so should the terrorists, taunt them, mock them. Really, this is the best you can do?

If the British can laugh at the nazis, then we surely can heap a ton of scorn onto the backs of these terrorists. Just make sure a picture of his undies is put all over the world. Heck put it on the internet as a LOLTerrorist… now what would be a good caption for his undies, maybe “somewhere 30 virgins pointed and laughed?” what else… any ideas?