
Baby Woolly Monkey and Kin

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/06/2010 7:43:01 pm PDT

I am going to refrain from making the obligatory Shock the Monkey post.

I will say this, I love the Kinks song Apeman. I was thinking about it today actually. I can not stand our society over much these days. We just get stupider and stupider, meaner and meaner each passing day. Forget writing doleful poetry about centers not holding or things falling apart. I am fed up with it all.

I look at all the crazy, silly, self righteous folks, ever so busy with their affairs violently yet obliviously hurting others. It doesn’t matter if some are telling an entire group of Americans that they don’t rate. “I am a real American and their are too many of you!” they think.

It doesn’t matter if your jeans were sewn by a kid in a third world country. “There was a sale!”

It doesn’t matter if your car funds thuggish regimes full of vile medievals. “My engine has 350 hp! Look at how that increases my sexual attractiveness!”

It doesn’t matter that so many feel that the best way to worship a God of love and peace, who was quite explicit about not murdering folks, is to murder. And then so many want to murder back, not defend and protect out of sad necessity, but actually feel the hate to wanting and desiring the kill - provided we send some 19 year old to do it for us. How brave!

Too few really notices that none of that matters anyway. We play like children on a beach, unaware of the coming tsunami. No one is doing anything about AGW. We put it out of our minds. It is tomorrow. But tomorrow is coming, and this particular species of nasty ape will have it coming.

And that brings me back to Apeman. I love that song. The idea of shedding all the stupid things and going to live in peace on a nice island with my “ape man girl…” Too bad that all the nice Islands will be under water sometime soon. There is no place to go. Even if there were, once there you would still want toilet paper. Civilization is a good thing. It is just that our civilization has done so little to civilize us.

At best we are murderers by proxy rather than having the courage of the evil apes our fore-bearers were when they did their own killing. We just kill ourselves slowly. For quick fixes and disposable comforts that we must have and the cost of it is never added int the value. Your fruit is cheaper because it was picked by an illegal. The suffering they went through to get here and the exploitation they feel is part of the added value. The loss of much of our southern coast is part of the added value when we drive our cars… But drill baby drill!

It’s Obama’s fault! It’s W’s fault! No it is our fault for living in a democracy where we as a people could actually demand real changes, but are too lazy, hypocritical and self absorbed to care to do so. We got the government we deserved because we were too stupid and too lazy to educate ourselves as a culture and demand a better one.

But hey, I understand that there is a new pop star shaking her bottom… Apparently she is at least as important as the previous one.

Not all apes are worth it. Time will soon tell if we figure this out and decide to be so.