
Overnight Video: Bad Things That Could Happen

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce10/31/2010 2:34:25 am PDT

re: #53 ralphieboy

My friend collects all the European clasics, like Lt. Blueberry, Lucky Luke and all the Asterix volumes, which are not well known in the ‘States.

I appreciate it as an art form, just never developed much of an interest for it.

I once tried really hard to “get” anime, but I just couldn’t. The artwork is uniformly terrible (though I was raised on a diet of reruns of pre-1960 Warner Bros and Tex Avery cartoons, so it’s difficult for me to appreciate lots of animation that’s probably better than I credit) and the plotlines are incomprehensible. One notable exception is Grave of the Fireflies, which is one of the most tragic things I’ve ever seen.