
Vimeo: Venice in a Day

Birth Control Works4/29/2012 10:11:06 pm PDT


The gondola is propelled by a person (the gondolier) who stands facing the bow and rows with a forward stroke, followed by a compensating backward stroke. Contrary to popular belief, the gondola is never poled like a punt as the waters of Venice are too deep. Until the early 20th century, as many photographs attest, gondolas were often fitted with a “felze”, a small cabin, to protect the passengers from the weather or from onlookers. Its windows could be closed with louvered shutters—the original “venetian blinds”. After the elimination of the traditional felze—possibly in response to tourists complaining that it blocked the view—there survived for some decades a kind of vestigial summer awning, known as the “tendalin” (these can be seen on gondolas as late as the mid-1950s, in the film Summertime). A sumptuary law of Venice required that gondolas should be painted black, and they are customarily so painted now.

Now you know!