
Gates of Vienna Hateblogger Ned May Speaks at European Parliament, Whines About LGF

Targetpractice7/11/2012 1:26:42 pm PDT

re: #53 HappyWarrior

I can hear it now. Really, this needs to be called out. They know damn well the Senate won’t pass and the president won’t sign. If they want to try a repeal if Romney gets elected, go for it but stop engaging in a bullshit exercise whose sole purpose is only to appease a political base who thinks this legislation stinks.

They’re hoping they can have a replay of ‘10, where they get Democrats “on record” as opposing repeal, then have their Congressional candidates run on supporting repeal. Thing is, this isn’t ‘10, people have either A) started to support the ACA or B) given up on it ever going anywhere, and betting on opposition to it being enough to turn the tide is foolish at best.