
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

piratedan7/26/2013 9:29:49 am PDT

re: #564 Mattand

that could very well be true, if you decide to add in all of the outliers that are usually excluded on these reports. There are people who have given up, there are many who are severely underemployed yet the methodology that has been adopted by both sides, are to use the numbers cited. It’s like, everyone understands that this number could very well be the “true” number depending upon how you choose to define it but since no one has yet, no one does so. One of the reasons why, If R’s start trotting out that number now, that means that Dems have just cause to cite those same numbers when R’s were in charge and R’s REALLY don’t want to cite unemployment numbers because they haven’t done jack shit to make those numbers improve and they know it.