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Gus11/06/2011 7:57:12 am PST

Three charged in Penn State sex crime case
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Last updated: 10:02 am

Two top administrators at Penn State University covered up sex crimes committed against children by a former football coach once thought to be the heir apparent to head coach Joe Paterno, the state’s top prosecutor said on Saturday.

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office charged former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, 67, a Washington County native, with 40 counts related to the sexual abuse of children.

The office accused Athletic Director Tim Curley, 57, and Gary Schultz, 62, the senior vice president for finance and business who oversaw Penn State’s police department, with failing to report the suspected crimes to authorities and lying to a grand jury investigating the case.

“The failure of top university officials to act on reports of Sandusky’s alleged sexual misconduct, even after it was reported to them in graphic detail by an eyewitness, allowed a predator to walk free for years, continuing to target new victims,” said Attorney General Linda Kelly. Schultz and Curley held jobs that require them by law to report accusations of child abuse…
