
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

William_Ryan2/11/2009 11:33:43 pm PST

re: #544 Sharmuta

I won’t know if he’s being honest any more or less than you will. he didn’t denounce Pamela or any of his other friends before though when called out about it. For me to believe that he joined the group PUBLICLY, especially with all the high profile friends on his list who’d see it, then turned around and claimed he did it by accident the next day, b/c he’s afraid of being ‘caught’ is too much too much.

Either he intended to do this or he didn’t. If he says it was an accident, (it seems) it’ll just prove to you that he’s guilty. To me it won’t - I just don’t believe he’d intentionally join a group like that if he was embarassed about it. So tomorrow, if he says anything other than “I just hit Join Group”, I’ll be eating crow. If he says that’s what he did, then I could go Troofer and imagine he joined a public lightning rod group intentionally thinking he wouldn’t get ‘caught’ all so if he got caught he could make some convoluted denial afterward to clear his name - but I’ll choose a different course.