
Scientific Review Shows 'Unambiguous' Evidence of Global Warming

b_sharp3/04/2010 6:45:54 pm PST

re: #520 Aceofwhat?

now i disagree. i promise not to be an ass when on a subject of my expertise. i promise to hold the behavior you describe in low esteem.

scientists are grown-ups like the rest of us. we should teach, not lecture rudely…unless we wish to invite such conversations, of course. sometimes picking a little fight can be fun. you just have to remember to have fun…

Scientists, just like all other human groups, contain a wide variety of personalities, each with their own ‘right’ reaction. It may be desirable in most social contexts to not be like LVQ on this thread, but there is no absolute judgment that can be passed. There is a scientist on the talk origins news forum by the name of John Harshman who is very much like LVQ in his reaction to stupidity. His reaction to honest questions is the exact opposite, calm, kind and informative. I’ve also seen LVQ act like that.

Stupidity isn’t the same as ignorance, it is intentional, and as such needs to be treated sharply and directly. Up until lately I treated everyone equally, seldom losing my temper or being abusive. I did this for 6 years while engaging creationists, and the last 2 while engaging anti-AGWers. It accomplished nothing.

I not only understand LVQ, I frequently agree with his tactics.