
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

No Dhummi2/11/2009 11:34:05 pm PST

Alright, well, people have resorted to insults again and aren’t actually addressing what I’m saying - or at least their comments towards me are more intended for other people to approve of rather than for me to be able to respond to them (Dan, I asked you precisely how what I said was a strawman and you didn’t explain. You just again accused me again…)

I managed to get one person at least who originally insulted me to the point of defending me, so I think my work here is done. Again, all I’m saying is that not all the evidence is in and since there is no pressing urgency to make a judgment, a judgment over whether Spencer actually advocates genocide should be put off until all the evidence is in front of us (which requires giving him a chance to comment on this.)

If it turns out he does actually espouse these beliefs, I’ll join you in my disgust and admit I was wrong to think it even possible that he didn’t. But if it turns out that he actually doesn’t espouse these beliefs, then I’m coming back for a big toldja so.

Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.