
Jim Hoft: Democrats Plotted to Blame Tea Party for Slaughter

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines1/10/2011 2:54:23 am PST

In this charmingly titled Telegraph Blog entry, the talented but deranged James Delingpole continues his one-man crusade to infect the UK with the tea party crazy:
The Arizona shootings were like Kwanzaa come early for America’s liberal fascists

How sick do you have to be to start making political capital out of the killing of six people including a nine-year old girl, long before anyone has the remotest clue what the murderer’s motives were, or his political affiliations, or his state of mind?

Not sick at all, to judge by the response of so many US Tweeters in the immediate aftermath of the Arizona shootings. When you’re a liberal, it seems, cloying sanctimoniousness, grotesque moral posturing, double standards, hypocrisy and cynical, malevolent smearing all come as naturally and healthily as breathing.

As Toby Harnden reports, barely were the bodies cold when the liberal fascists started pointing the finger of blame: it was Sarah Palin’s fault, of course; Sarah Palin’s and Glenn Beck’s and, of course, the Tea Party’s. Definitely not a crazed killing spree by a deeply confused young man, no, sirree. After all, as Rahm Emmanuel would say, you must “never let a crisis go to waste.”

Ok, James, who boasts (falsely) about having all the guns? Whose protest signs regularly feature guns and threats to use them? Who had a map showing crosshairs on the home districts of her opponents? Which side of the spectrum do the gold bugs and currency conspircists inhabit (excluding the now jailed shooter, of course)?