
Assassination Rhetoric at Hate Blog

LC LaWedgie9/11/2009 7:55:56 am PDT

re: #567 Charles

Probably a poor choice of quotes for the situation. I suppose you can fault him that. However, the thread was about Friedman, and the guy’s avatar has nothing to do with it.
I’ve heard lots of people called tyrants, and not all of them were in positions of political power. Sometimes the expression is used in the wrong context.
That universe.
Lighten up, Francis, and go after problems that matter.
You know how it goes:
1.) The best laid plans of mice and men…
2.) People often say things out of context.
3.) You can’t always make people tow your line no matter how “rational” your argument, because sometimes it is, sometimes it ain’t, and sometimes it’s perception.
4.) The world really needs a good 10 cent cigar, especially Bill Clinton.