
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Salamantis2/04/2009 3:52:33 pm PST

re: #572 Hhar

Yeah; who needs precise scientific terminology? Like them damn laws of motion Newton goes on about? Why anyone can see that apples fall; why try to say it in all these high-falutin’ terms? Hilarious, I tell ya!

And what’s this nonsense about the earth revolving around the sun? Anyone with half an eye can see the sun moving across the sky! And as for those pesky epicycles, if they were good enough for grampaw, they’re good enough for me!

And that crazy-haired dude Einstein doesn’t make enough sense to cram into the southbound end of a northbound mule! Who can read alla that mathematical gobbeldygook, anyway? No me, for shure! I don’t think it really means a damn thing!

And as for Darwin and Mendel and Watson and Crick, why you have to have special machines just to LOOK at those genome thingies! They can’t be alla that important if they’re so small! It’s alla these pointy-headed scientists and philosophers’ I tell ya! No common sense at all!

No my preacher, well, he’s one smart man; he tells me exactly what my folks told me when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, and of course they would know…and its all written down in the only book worth reading!

Excuse me while I make this guy squeal like a pig…