
New York Times Paywallocalypse

RogueOne3/18/2011 6:44:48 am PDT

re: #564 dmon

The state and local governments determine the written policies and procedures for termination, if they dont follow their own procedures, the employee gets their job back.

I took an obviously drunk firefighter in for testing. The process the city set up didnt take into account that since we work 24 / 7. That the company they contracted with for the testing wasnt open on a Saturday morning.

The firefighter got free one. A few months later they found something else to fire them for, the employee lost their appeals, and wont be coming back.

The point is that the city dropped the ball in the original instance.

Semi-related: Drunk cop kills motorcyclist. Department rules aren’t followed to the letter:

Long story short, the officers who arrived on the scene screwed drawing his blood because he’s covered by the union rules. He’s still employed and the charges have been dropped even though the blood test came back at .19. The only person fired was one guy for the prosecutors office (no union contract) the rest of the officers involved in the screwup are still employed.