
Video: Missionaries of Hate

Nimed5/31/2010 11:22:52 pm PDT

re: #541 JasonA

Wow. That comment was a long time ago.

No, I got that you were sticking up for sovereignty, and you’re right to do so. That said Lebanon has a responsibility of its own to deal with Hezbollah, and if the won’t…

Sorry, missed your comment in the initial outburst of replies. :)

I agree with you. But Israel should make the best case of a violation of Resolution 1701, be open about at least part of the satellite evidence (personally, I’m burned in the evidence department after all the post 9-11 shit), and ensure at least the support of the US before committing an act of war. Israel has overwhelming military superiority over Lebanon, but if there’s a full scale war (not outside the realm of possibility), heavy loss of life is virtually guaranteed. Besides, I think we can all agree that one of Israel’s biggest problems at the moment is a PR problem.