
Supreme Court Blocks Texas Neanderthal Sonogram Law

Killgore Trout9/30/2011 10:02:06 am PDT

How to alienate moderate voters: Here comes the Cavalry. #occupywallst day 12 report.

Youtube Video
Preaching revolution, military industrial complex, radical bullshit.
Cornel West

West has called the U.S. a “racist patriarchal” nation where “white supremacy” continues to define everyday life. “White America,” he writes, “has been historically weak-willed in ensuring racial justice and has continued to resist fully accepting the humanity of blacks.” This has resulted, he claims, in the creation of many “degraded and oppressed people hungry for identity, meaning, and self-worth.” Professor West attributes most of the black community’s problems to “existential angst derive[d] from the lived experience of ontological wounds and emotional scars inflicted by white supremacist beliefs and images permeating U.S. society and culture.”[31]

In West’s view, the September 11, 2001 attacks gave white Americans a glimpse of what it means to be a black person in the United States—feeling “unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence, and hatred” for who they are.[32

You moonbat idiots better hope this dies out soon. I know I have no hope of convincing the lefties that this is going to hurt them politically but it legitimizes the Tea Party-Fox News narrative and it’s going to cost votes.