
Another Monckton Climate Change Fraud

Pythagoras5/14/2009 10:53:49 am PDT

re: #568 Charles

Isn’t it curious, then, that many of the most vocal climate change skeptics are also creationists? James Inhofe, Michele Bachmann, Roy Spencer … and I could go on.

But the leading AGW skeptics are Lindzen, Singer, Coleman, Pielke, Bryson (deceased), Watts, Lomborg, Daly (deceased), McIntyre, McKitrick, et al. Monckton and Spencer are also among the leaders but the creationist percentage is not high.

Look, the AGW scientists must wince every time they ponder that their titular leader is AL Gore. You can’t exclude people from a movement. The environmental movement have some flagship nuts in it too (e.g. the unabomber). Should that discredit the whole movement?

Decide based on the data and the logic. Assume all the people involved are human.