
Seth Meyers: Is Rudy Giuliani's Butt the Whistleblower? [VIDEO]

A Mom Anon10/29/2019 5:41:39 am PDT

Good Morning Lizards! I’m currently sitting outside the county animal shelter waiting for them to open. The GSD pup I want to adopt today is still here. I am number two on the adoption list, maybe number one will get stuck in traffic and not be able to make it…. her name is going to be Cleopatra, or Cleo. My husband chose that one, though I like Bella too. Anyhow, the place opens in an hour,lol, can you tell I’m excited? If all goes well, I should be able to get some pics up after she’s had a much needed bath. Keep a good thought for me, this is seriously the only good thing to happen to me in a very long time.