
Religious Right Craziness on Steroids: Hillary Clinton Is Plotting to Shut Down Churches and Synagogues

Kruk9/14/2012 8:08:21 pm PDT

re: #32 jaunte

Testing, evaluation, trial… he’s obviously all about fair process.

Everyone deserves a fair trial before being convicted, sentenced and executed…

I think the latest polls are going to kick the right wing derpitude up a notch. I see from the other thread that the Birthers are back as well.

I’ve never been able to figure out until recently why so many people are adamant that Obama couldn’t be President. After all, whatever happens in November, he’s only going to be in power another four years. However much they might wail about, Conservatives will survive eight years of Obama just like Liberals survived eight years of GWB.

The revelation came when when I was watching, of all things, the Terminator. When Kyle Reece is being interrogated by the cops, he’s asked why Skynet had to go through this elaborate time travel scheme to kill John Connor’s mother. Why not simply send a Terminator to kill Connor in the future?

Reece’s reply was that killing Connor in the future would make no difference. Skynet’s defence grid had been smashed, and there was no way back from that. The only way Skynet could win was by erasing Connor’s entire existence.

For a lot of people, a grid of privilege and power that they took for granted without even thinking about it was smashed when Obama won in 2008. Defeating him now won’t change that “someone like Obama” could take the highest office in the United States. The only way to win now is erase his entire presidency. Birtherism provides a way, possibly the only way, of doing that.