
US Baptists Accused of Child Trafficking in Haiti

Randall Gross2/02/2010 6:24:37 am PST

re: #347 idioma

Wow. That was so over the top and uncalled for in the discussion that it truly reveals more about you than the argument. You could posit a few theories here.

1. The reasons you give in the above snarkastic grenade (have you been cribbing from Coulter or what?) assign motives to others that are really motives you have. Name callers tend to accuse others of things they would really do, and of motives they really might have, what’s that called again?

2. You are really deeply religious and are lying to make atheists and/or other non believers look bad. A religious moby?

3. You just need attention. (go somewhere else to get your Id diapers changed if that’s the case)

4. You really are an atheist who has arrived at atheist through faith - underneath it all you still believe in god, and you are weak Kneed in your logic and atheism. You still want to believe and just don’t know it.

5. You are of one religion, and are bigoted to another.

No need to reply since I’m off to work and you’ll not get further followup from me. You might take some time to consider which theory is operative, whether I missed the real one, and then why.